Safe Implant Concept

Highest safety in implant treatment!

Are you planning to regain your smile and complete dentition with implants?

The Safe Implant Concept is a proprietary method for treating edentulous teeth with implants developed by the Estetique team under the direction of dentist Pawel Szuba-Paszkiewicz, an international specialist and  Doctor Paweł Szuba-Paszkiewicz, international specialist and lecturer in digital dentistry.

Doctor Paweł Szuba-Paszkiewicz

An international lecturer, he has been training dentists worldwide for many years, giving lectures at dental congresses in Tokyo, Dubai, Qatar and Barcelona, among others, and lecturing at the Medical University of Wrocław.

His passions include digital dentistry, advanced implantology and implantoprosthetics. In smile makeovers, he cares about safety, predictability and aesthetics. Based on many years of experience, dentist dr. Szuba-Paszkiewicz has developed a proprietary method of restoring missing teeth with full-arch implant-supported prosthetic bridges Safe Implant Concept.

Do you know what the Safe Implant Concept is all about? What this concept is, where the idea for it came from, who it is aimed at, and what types of problems it solves, is told by its creator, dentist Dr. Pawel Szuba-Paszkiewicz.

Doctor Paweł Szuba-Paszkiewicz tells us where the ‘safe’ in Safe Implant Concept comes from and what the concept looks like step by step from a technological point of view. Paweł Szuba-Paszkiewicz.

Patient’s individual characteristics – does the dentist pay attention to them when designing teeth?

Doctor Pawel Szuba-Paszkiewicz talks about the use of, among other things, the patient’s habits or muscle settings to make him or her more comfortable in everyday situations.

80% planning, 20% chairside work – Doctor Magdalena Borek talks about how the Safe Implant Concept is created and what makes visits more efficient.

Full arch restorations on implants – what does the patient gain from this solution? Doctor Kacper Lisiecki tells us why it is worth using Safe Implant Concept and how quickly it restores a full smile.

Safe Implant Concept or a fixed prosthesis? Doctor Kacper Lisiecki talks about the differences between these two solutions and which one to choose.

Advantages of the Safe Implant Concept method.

Why not a denture?

Dentures do not have a good connotation. They make it difficult to function normally and their owners complain that removable dentures interfere with speaking, eating, laughing and even sleeping. The fear that a sedentary denture will fall out when least expected even leads to withdrawal from active social life.

Sedentary dentures, as the name suggests, rest on the alveolar ridge and therefore degrade the bone base. They lead to bony atrophy, particularly in the mandible. This affects the profile of the patient, who, after several years of wearing the denture, can look much older than his or her metric age.

The so-called Baba Yaga profile is the result of prosthetic shortening of the lower face. In addition, ill-fitting dentures traumatise the soft tissues in the oral cavity, thereby causing inflammation that is acute for patients and poses a risk of pre-cancerous conditions.

Instead of a denture the Safe Implant Concept bridge

Modern dentistry has found a solution, and the Estetique team has developed it to perfection! Doctor Paweł Szuba-Paszkiewicz has developed the proprietary Safe Implant Concept method using implants and implant-prosthetic bridges to restore entire dental arches:

  • for patients with complete toothlessness,

  • for people who have part of their own teeth but it is not suitable for preservation, e.g. due to advanced carious lesions, inflammation or periodontitis,

  • for people after mechanical trauma, e.g. after accidents, when their own teeth cannot be saved.

What is the Safe Implant Concept?

You regain complete dentition in no time and enjoy a smile makeover without compromise. Tooth reconstruction with Safe Implant Concept is preceded by precise planning of the implant therapy by a team of qualified doctors under the direction of Doctor Paweł Szuba-Paszkiewicz.

Thanks to our many years of experience and high competence in digital dentistry, the full-arch implant restorations we create are exceptionally aesthetic, safe and predictable.

Predictability and Safety

The biggest challenge of implantology and digital implantoprosthetics has been until now, and for many still is, edentulous dental arches with few reference points. Problems with maintaining the precision of scanning dental arches, difficulties in recording the correct parameters, have resulted in incorrectly fitting prosthetic work.

Doctor Pawel Szuba-Paszkiewicz and his team eliminated this problem by using techniques at Safe Implant Concept that ensure full continuity of intraoral scanning. This gives us full control over the height of the occlusion, and the patient is assured of a perfect fit of the prosthetic restorations without the need for additional visits. As a result, the final work can also be a copy of the provisional restorations. At the planning and scanning stage, we accurately predict the final result – your beautiful and perfectly fitting smile.


When designing full dental arches, we focus on the perfect reproduction of the beauty of natural teeth. The Estetique digital laboratory, equipped with state-of-the-art 3D printers, milling machines and scanners, works on the shape and colour of the teeth. When creating implant-supported bridges, we pay the greatest attention to reproducing the depth, translucency, opalescence and other natural features of the dentition. We also analyse the patient’s individual beauty characteristics, matching the dentition to complexion, age, etc. All this makes the holders of implant bridges by Estetique feel as if they were born with our teeth. And those around them do not even suspect that their stunning smile is due to the latest technology.

We respect your time, therefore:

80% of the time
we work on your smile digitally

Implantologists and prosthodontists work digitally on the design of your new smile, supported by doctors from other dental disciplines. Why? Because we assume that the patient doesn’t have time for hours of fitting and touch-ups. Therefore, we spend a lot of time on ultra-precise digital design.

This stage of work involves recording and analysing the initial situation and digital design using state-of-the-art world-class technology. With proprietary group work protocols, we design together the safest, most predictable and aesthetically pleasing dental restorations. The patient receives a unique service, the result of the work of many outstanding specialists. And he or she doesn’t have to spend hours on fitting, adjustments.

20% of your time
take up your visits to the clinic

  • on your first visit we carry out a full digital diagnosis using CT scans and digital scanning,
  • then you think nothing is happening, but this is when we spend the most time and involve the best design team (see above),
  • on the second visit, we precisely place the designed number of implants and assemble the temporary, bonding bridges (reinforced with a titanium bar) giving the security of a correct and predictable healing of the implants after the surgery,
  • after the implant integration period, we replace the temporary bridges with the target ceramic bridges.

Immediate restoration of teeth in one day? We say on the second day!

New teeth in one day at Estetique Wrocław is of course a possible solution for patients with toothlessness. On the same day, we can place implants and attach temporary prosthetic bridges to them, reconstructing full dental arches. So the patient leaves the clinic with complete teeth on the day of the procedure. Nevertheless, we encourage patients to have temporary bridges fitted on the second day, when the patient is no longer under local anaesthetic. This is preferable due to the best fit of the implant bridges. Precision is our passion!

Is the Safe Implant Concept procedure painful?

The insertion of implants according to a pre-prepared design based on implant templates is comfortable and quick for the patient. The Estetique team performs this type of work on a daily basis, and we can confirm that the whole procedure is quick and predictable. We use high-quality anaesthetics and surround patients with post-operative care. In the event of an injury or accident, we can easily and quickly reconstruct the entire work. This ensures that you go through the entire treatment stress-free and enjoy a beautiful smile.


Zobacz metamorfozy naszych pacjentów

Metamorfoza pacjenta


Zęby pacjenta wymagały ekstrakcji, po której przeprowadzeniu powstało bezzębie całkowite. Zastosowano leczenie implantoprotetyczne metodą Safe Implant Concept. W szczęce pacjenta zostało wszczepionych 6 implantów, a w żuchwie 4. Wykonano odbudowę mostami na implantach. 

Metamorfoza pacjenta


Kompleksowe leczenie implantoprotetyczne. Ekstrakcja zębów dolnych. Metamorfoza została wykonana metodą Safe Implant Concept.

Why is it worth using the treatment in Estetique Wrocław?

Immediate effect

Implantation of implants and fitting of a denture are carried out during a single appointment, thanks to which the patient leaves the surgery with a full, attractive smile.

Painless treatment

At our dental facility, all procedures are carried out painlessly, thanks to modern anaesthesia techniques. We care about the comfort of our patients, ensuring a calm and stress-free experience during each visit.

Competitive pricing

Classical implant therapy usually involves the need for expensive bone reconstruction and requires multiple visits - the one-time treatment method reduces these costs.

Our implantologists

At Estetique Center, we provide comprehensive dental care for children, adults, and seniors.

Regain the joy of your smile!

Schedule an initial consultation.

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